19 novembre 2021 - Présentation d'un poster au Farah-Day
The European Commission has just announced funding for the EUNetHorse Project, which will be the first European agricultural R&D project dedicated to horses. It is coordinated by the IFCE (Institut Français du Cheval et de l'Equitation) and Mont-le-Soie will participate as a partner.
The obbjective: to establish an active network of European multi-actors (breeders, advisers, trainers, researchers, etc.) in France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Romania, Poland, Finland (and we hope in Switzerland), in order to increase the resilience and performance of equine farms in the face of environmental, social, health, economic of political crises by widely disseminating practices, tools and solutions that improve:
1) their resilience and socio-economic performance
2) animal welfare and health on farms
3) the environmental sustainability of the sector and its integration into agricultural world.
The project should start in 2023 and last 4 years!